21 Days of Deep Livingనమూనా

21 Days of Deep Living

DAY 1 OF 21

Eat. Sleep. Pray. Repeat!

Going deeper in prayer is all about being anxious for nothing, praying about everything, and being thankful for all things.

In order to go deeper in prayer, we need to understand that prayer is not simply an occasion or a task we complete on a checklist. Prayer is our life and our lifestyle and it's how we communicate with our Father, our Creator, and our Best Friend. Paul wrote that everything is the proper subject of prayer. God is concerned and yearns for us to share EVERY part of our lives and our thoughts with Him. In fact, in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Paul writes “pray without ceasing” or “pray all the time”.

When we think about praying all the time, on the surface it can seem laborious and almost impossible to do, because if I am praying all the time then when do I have the time or mental capacity to do anything else? How is it even possible to pray all the time, when I am here struggling to pray even some of the time?

Well first and foremost, we need to get this idea out of our head that the entirety of our prayer life needs to be done in solitude and being alone with Him. Yes, it is important to have alone time with God, but this is not the limit of the time you can spend with God.

Praying without ceasing means praying whilst you are shopping, driving, eating, and performing other everyday tasks. All we have to do is invite God in to be a part of what we are doing and then to also stay aware of His Presence. This is how we are able to pray in EVERY situation. We go deeper in prayer, not when we get away from our everyday routine, but when we invite God INTO and talk to Him DURING our everyday routine. This is how we build intimacy and thus how we go deeper.

To go deeper in prayer, we need to simplify our language. We can psyche ourselves out of our own prayer life and prayer time if we think that prayer is mentally demanding because of the big words and complicated language we have to use. Practice shorter conversational prayer continually throughout the day as opposed to long complex prayers that increase the chances of wandering thoughts. We are living in an era of attention deficit, and this idea of shorter, more frequent conversational prayers is key for us to go deeper in our prayer life.

Day 2