Life With Jesus - Armor of Godనమూనా

Life With Jesus - Armor of God

15 యొక్క 13

In life, the enemy will try to knock you down and take you out, but we can stand firm on God’s Word! In the armor God gives us, He gives us a sword. This sword represents God’s Word.

God’s armor isn’t just defensive, protecting us from attack, we’ve been given a sword so we can fight back! This sword is God’s Word. With God’s Word, we can fight the lies of the enemy.

Before Jesus began his ministry, He was led into the wilderness where the devil tempted Him. Jesus fought back with the sword of God’s Word. With every attack from the enemy, Jesus used God’s Word to cut down the lie.

Put on God’s Armor, stand firm, raise your sword, and with the Word of God, you can win the battle. I can stand firm on God’s Word.


Day 12Day 14