Sex & Sexuality - God’s Ways vs. The World’s Waysనమూనా

Sex & Sexuality - God’s Ways vs. The World’s Ways

DAY 5 OF 5

Dealing with our Idols

“O Ephraim, what have I to do with idols? It is I who answer and look after you. I am like an evergreen cypress; from me comes your fruit.” (Hosea 14:8 ESV)

“For I will remove the names of the Baals from her mouth, and they shall be remembered by name no more. I will betroth you to me in faithfulness. And you shall know the Lord." (Hosea 2:17, 20 ESV)

The things I continually chose instead of Jesus became idols to me. Gradually those idols demanded more and more. Compromises (turning away from God toward other things in times of difficulty) eventually turned into idolatry, which led to captivity (the inability to say no to temptation) and slowly began to bring death into my life: death of my sense of worth, of my dreams and even my will to live.

“In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and He answered by setting me free.” (Psalm 118:5 NIV)

I was finally ready to do whatever it would take to follow Jesus and learn how to stand—to learn how to consistently walk in freedom from compromise and idols through the difficulties of life.

Talk with Jesus

As you read today’s verses, bring these questions to Jesus and talk with Him about them:

  • Are there any desires in my life that are not yet submitted to You and are in danger of becoming an idol?
  • Is there something I want at any cost, more than I want Your will for my life?
  • Are there things in my life that I believe can satisfy me and meet my needs more than You?

If so, do you want to pray a prayer of repentance?

A note on repentance: So often, I would let much time go by after sinning, or after doubting the character of God, where my head was intentionally turned from Him.

Journal Entry, Age 21

Tomorrow, will my heart be in a place where I can speak to You once again

Because my back is starting to ache with the efforts of avoiding Your gaze.

My spirit longed to connect with Him immediately; I didn’t want to be apart from Him for a moment longer. I have learned that the time lapse before turning back to Him can just be an instant.

“Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.” (Hebrews 3:15 ESV)

Feel free to add your own words to the following prayer.

Prayer: Father God, right now, I repent for putting __________ in front of you. I want to say out loud that I take this idol down from my life. It is no longer in a place before you in my life. I invite You, Jesus, You alone, to sit on the throne of my life. Be Lord over every part of my life, over every desire. I die to self and allow Christ to live through me.

Thanks for completing Part 1 of the PureHeart Challenge. This is just the beginning! If this has been helpful and you want more, please continue on to Plan 2 of the 5-plan series. Is there anyone God is showing you to do these plans together with?

Plan 1 - Sex & Sexuality - God’s Ways vs. the World’s Ways

Plan 2 - Healing From a Past of Sexual Sin

Plan 3 - Honoring God With Our Sexuality in Singleness

Plan 4 - Dealing With Sexual Temptation

Plan 5 - Satisfied

These YouVersion plans are excerpts from the 55 Day PureHeart Challenge.

LADIES, if you want to go deeper into these topics, invite a friend and register today! The plans on Youversion have been adapted for both women and men, but the 55 Day Challenge is specifically for women. You can find the link for this and our other resources here:

We would love to hear from you! Please take a moment to fill out our Feedback Form.


Day 4