Sex & Sexuality - God’s Ways vs. The World’s Waysనమూనా

Sex & Sexuality - God’s Ways vs. The World’s Ways

DAY 1 OF 5

God’s Ways

Are God’s ways good? Can He be trusted? Are His plans better than we could plan for ourselves? Can we trust His ways instead of going our own way?

Growing up, I had heard that sex was only for marriage. But because I didn’t really understand God’s heart behind His instructions, I decided to go my own way.

Before I understood the impact of my choices, it was easy to choose the easier way. I couldn't see it, but through each choice to sin, I was being made captive one chain at a time. I knew that at every temptation, Jesus was there, arms open, but I heard the tempter and enemy of our souls lie to me saying, “Take this way! You’ll get whatever you need. God’s way will take too long. You’ve already gone this far, keep going! Nothing bad will happen to you if you keep walking down my road.”

When I realized that I was enslaved, I cried out to Jesus to save me, and He came to my rescue. He had always been with me, but because I kept turning to other things, I couldn't see how close He really was.

I honestly never thought I could be free; I was overwhelmed by sinful thoughts, triggering dreams and being victim to my weaknesses. In the midst of these weaknesses, I heard Jesus say to me, “I will walk you into freedom. Every day you will become stronger. You will see the devil’s temptations for what they are, and you will stand firm and will not be shaken.’’

Once I was captive to sexual sin, and now I walk in freedom. There is pleasure in sin for a season and there are also difficult experiences and hardships in walking in God’s ways. This path has taken me on a journey of singleness longer than I could have imagined. I have experienced deep loneliness, impatience, and temptation. But I have learned to stand. He taught me about the best way, and it is my resolve to say no to anything but God’s ways. Even when I don't understand, I will choose to trust Him.

Talk with Jesus

To get the most out of this plan, we recommend reading the verses, going through these questions with Jesus, and journaling your answers.

  • What are the areas in my life where it is most difficult to trust You and follow Your ways?
  • Have I resolved in my heart to entrust my life to You, and not trust in my own understanding in the area of sexuality, singleness, romance, marriage etc.? If not yet, what is stopping me?

If you are ready to commit to a journey in God's way for purity, take some time to pray the following:

Jesus, I give up living my life in my own way. I want to commit to this journey—to give You full control and to live according to Your ways. Even when I may not understand Your ways, I know You are good and I trust You.

Day 2