Seasons: Daily Truths to Refresh the Weary Momనమూనా

Seasons: Daily Truths to Refresh the Weary Mom

DAY 7 OF 7

We all do this don't we? We look at what someone else has and what we don't have and we feel jealous. Suddenly, our lives are not complete without it, and we can't stop thinking about it until we have it, whatever IT is. We think it will change us, make us whole, and fix our problems. Comparison is that dangerous sneaky trap the enemy likes to lay at our feet all covered up so we can't see it. Like leaves over a hunter's hole, we are being hunted for our contentment, our peace of mind. It was the first lie in the garden. The snake convinced Eve to think she needed something she didn't have. This led to discontentment, and this led to not trusting the Lord.

Discontentment changes everything. It did in the garden and it will in your life. The moment we believe the lie that God is withholding something from us, things begin to unravel. Did you catch the word in both verses I shared today? It is the word "saw". Rachel and Leah couldn't be more different, yet they both only saw what they didn't have. They didn't see the good, the gifts, and the blessings. They couldn't see the bounty, only the lack. I can relate to this. We can feel this way in our homes, our families, our marriage, and our appearance. What we choose to see can affect our decisions, our words, and our thoughts... and those things dictate our lives. And it ultimately determines the state of our souls. There is a scripture third John that says we can only be well if our soul is well. Isn't that the truth? The inside of us flows to the outside. When your soul is well, your thoughts, your sleep, your actions, and your words will all be well.

We are loved by a Father who does not hold back from us unless it's not His timing or for our protection and we must trust Him in that journey. It's all for His glory, and not our time frames. We must be surrendered. We must be open-handed in how we live and move and have our being. So be aware of the traps of comparison. They are always hidden but never too big to jump over.

Learn more about Heather Gilstrap and her book Seasons

Day 6