Seasons: Daily Truths to Refresh the Weary Momనమూనా

Seasons: Daily Truths to Refresh the Weary Mom

DAY 4 OF 7

Prayer is a gift you know. It’s an amazing moment that you have to capture the attention of our Creator and share your heart, your dreams, your fears, and your needs; to pour out praise, to worship before the miracle, to honor and to adore Him. He loves when we simply talk to Him, and He has much to say to us. He already knows what is on our minds, and He already knows what we need and what we want.

He loves us so much that often He won't give us what we want because He knows it's not what we need.

So here we find our girl. Hannah is depressed, heartbroken, hopeless, exhausted, weary in her soul, and tormented by Peninnah. She is crying out to God. She is open, raw, real, and vulnerable and she is going on and on for so long that people are noticing her. Her prayers are full of intense passion and endurance. She is praying fervently. She is promising God, she is laying it all down. And when she is done, it says her face is no longer sad. No miracle had come yet; she wasn’t pregnant. What she wanted had not been given to her, but her face, her countenance, her inner being changed.

You see, when we pray we feel hopeful, refreshed, alive, okay, undone to be remade, broken to be made whole.

We start faithless and we end up faithFULL.

It is who He is. When you spend any time in His presence, you can’t help but change. We are soul beings, and even though Hannah’s circumstances didn’t change, her soul did. For all she knew, she would never have a child, but she had hope because God reached out and filled her up. With God, there is only abundance; never lack, never half empty, only filled to the brim kind of love.

I think as believers we often times forget to pray. Before you walk into the room and you don’t know what to say to your child who is just pushing every button and inching themselves over the line ... pray. Before you get out of bed, pray. Before you discipline, pray. Before you make decisions, pray. The atmosphere will change in your heart. And “out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Your circumstance might not. Your children won’t suddenly stop fighting, but you will have the wisdom to know how to handle it. Your morning might not get easier, but you will have the patience to help set a joyful tone in your household so this day starts out right. Your baby might not miraculously start sleeping through the night, but you better believe He will miraculously give you the strength to get up and comfort every time they need you. And when you get sleep it will be sweet.

You see, when we pray, all that we gain trickles down into our motherhood which then pours into the cups of our children. We will sprinkle the fruit of the Spirit on them - it’s contagious. We are their inner voice, we teach them how to pray, how to love, how to be kind, how to give, and how to be patient. Can you believe their worldview is being shaped right now? Let’s pray today. Make this day count.

Day 3Day 5