

DAY 4 OF 30

It’s not difficult to find beauty in imperfections. We can see it every day! In a flower that is not fully formed, a beach full of stones instead of sand, or even in a painting full of odd shapes and shadows. And the same is true for us as humans. None of us is perfect. We’re all simply imperfect people who are just trying to do our best in this life. I don’t know about you, but to me, that is a comforting reality. What a gift it is to know that perfection is required of us in order to love or be loved. We aren’t called to love people who are perfect; we’re called to love people as they are. Of course, this is easier said than done. But just as we would want to be loved despite our imperfections, others want the same. And more than that, it’s what we’re called to do: to love one another deeply so that God’s love may cover us all.

Who in your life do you struggle to love, imperfections and all? Today, ask the Lord to help you step up and follow the call in this verse—to love them deeply and let that love cover their imperfections.


Day 3Day 5

About this Plan


An influencer has the ability to change our minds or make us try something new. And while we may think of an influencer as someone with millions of followers, the reality is we don’t need a big audience to be an influencer. In fact, God calls each one of us to be an influencer for good. In this devotional, we’ll see all the ways God has used people—even the unexpected people—to have an amazing influence on others.
