Limited Editionనమూనా

What’s your most prized possession? Something that’s really special to you? Maybe it’s a gift from a friend, an item passed down in your family, or something you worked hard to buy for yourself. Whatever it is, when you have something prized and special in your life, you treat it differently than other things. You take care of it; you look out for it; you’re careful with it. Well, that’s exactly how God views us. As God’s particular possessions, we are uniquely made and loved more than anything else in creation! That makes us limited editions!
This week, write the phrase “Limited Edition” somewhere you’ll see it often. Maybe on your hand, your mirror, or a sticky note in your locker. When you see it, remember that you are God’s special possession, unique, and loved just the way you were made!
ఈ ప్రణాళిక గురించి

There is only one you! A middle school devotional designed to help students embrace the unique, intentional way God made them. In this devotional, you'll find encouragement to embrace the unique way you were made in God's image and to share that identity with the world around you.