Limited Editionనమూనా

Have you ever been chosen for something? Maybe to be class president, or for an important job at home, or an award at school. If you have, you know just how good it feels to be chosen. What’s cool is that, with God, this is a feeling we can all have! Because God’s already chosen you! Before God even created the world, God chose you to be a part of the family! To be adopted into this spiritual family, you don’t have to be anyone other than who you are—the person God made you to be. With God, you always have a place to belong!
Today, spend time in prayer, thanking God for creating you and choosing you just as you are!
ఈ ప్రణాళిక గురించి

There is only one you! A middle school devotional designed to help students embrace the unique, intentional way God made them. In this devotional, you'll find encouragement to embrace the unique way you were made in God's image and to share that identity with the world around you.