The Gospels - Manనమూనా

The Gospels - Man

15 యొక్క 6

In The Gospels we see how Jesus lived and how He related to people. This gives us an example to follow, seeing how Jesus - God in flesh - showed His love and compassion to people. We read in John about a time when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. In Bible times the roads people walked were often dusty and their sandaled feet would get very dirty. Jesus and the disciples were sharing a meal when part way through Jesus stood up, wrapped a towel around His waist, poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet.

They were astounded, their leader, their teacher, was lowering Himself to serve them and wash their feet! Jesus was showing them how to show love, by serving one another. He gave them the instruction that just as He had washed their feet, they should wash the feet of others.

Jesus set the ultimate example of love and care. Jesus shows us what God’s love looks like in action. Jesus commands His disciples to love one another just as He had loved them. And that this is how people will know they follow Jesus. Just like the mirror gives us a reflection of our actions, when we follow Jesus’ example we are reflecting His love to others. Jesus gives us an example to follow.


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