The Gospels - Manనమూనా

The Gospels - Man

15 యొక్క 1

Different authors write the books of the Bible, all inspired by God. The New Testament starts with the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These are called ‘The Gospels,’ and they are records of Jesus’ time on earth, from His birth to His death and rising again. Together we are going to look at the person of Jesus through the lens or view of the four Gospels.

Matthew was one of Jesus’ disciples who left his job as a tax collector to follow Jesus. Matthew wrote about of the events of Jesus’ life to a Jewish audience to help them understand that Jesus was the Messiah.

Mark wrote down the stories that Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, told him. The book of Mark was the first of the four gospels written. This book tells us about Jesus’ life and His amazing miracles.

Luke was one of the first Christians, he was a doctor who traveled with the Apostle Paul visiting the first Christian churches. The theme throughout the book of Luke is that Jesus is the Saviour for ALL people.

John was one of Jesus’ disciples, so he had a front-row seat to all that Jesus did and everything Jesus said. John wrote his gospel so that anyone who reads it would believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and can have life in the Name of Jesus.

Thanks to The Gospels, we can learn more about Jesus the Man, the Messiah, and His teaching and miracles. Even with all that has been written in God’s Word for us to discover about Jesus, there is a lot more that He did while He was on earth that was not recorded. There were so many things Jesus did on Earth. No book in the world has enough pages to fit everything He did!


Day 2