Biblical Success - Spiritual Warfare?నమూనా

Biblical Success - Spiritual Warfare?

DAY 4 OF 4


Freedom, even freedom in Christ is never free. We must guard it or lose it... The enemy is clever and uses tactics and language that look and sound loving and kind but are poison dipped in honey.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer said “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Every believer can do something and every believer’s share big or small is critically important. WE must unite beyond our denominational and doctrinal divisions, focus on the essentials that we agree on, step out of our comfort zones and step up our spiritual game! Let's use the Christ-honoring power we have. We're not advocating anything more than an increased commitment to live as disciples of Christ.

WE can extend our time with God to be a daily focus on seeking His will and way and press into our personal devotions, scripture reading, and PRAYER! Praying together for the Kingdom to prevail and for evil to be confused and frustrated while our King is lifted high in love and honor.

WE can actively and truly love people and other sinners who don’t look like us or agree with us.

WE can feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and reach out to and pray for those we disagree with.

WE can live above our differences with other Christ-followers and be conformed to His image by doing what He would do in our relationships and circumstances.

WE will always have all we need to do all our Father asks of us but only we can resolve to step up and step out to do it.

What are you doing or what will you do? The time is now! The battle is not about us or for us. It is for our children and grandchildren and generations unborn if our Lord tarries. To continue to repeat what has failed to work in the past expecting a different result is one definition of insanity. Can we change our game and see our lives differently than we have? More from an eternal perspective perhaps? Are we disciples of Christ or observers of Christianity? What do you think?


Day 3