Biblical Success - Spiritual Warfare?నమూనా

Biblical Success - Spiritual Warfare?

DAY 3 OF 4

The battle is a spiritual battle.

Today’s battles are being fought primarily in our culture, politics, schools, and even in our churches. We have to fight spiritual battles with spiritual weapons. If we try to fight in our own strength we will lose. If we passively watch the battle from the safety of silence we will lose. That’s not hyperbole. A form of political progressivism, disguised as a move toward social progress, has infiltrated and is impacting many of our most influential institutions including our schools, the government, the media, large corporations, our military, and even our church. Much of this ideology is based on the teaching of philosopher Karl Marx. Marx was an atheist and his doctrines are as well atheistic. Atheism is a fundamental pillar of Marxism. He describes faith and religion as "the opiate of the people."

To fight and win we must push back against the lies being told in the battle with our knowledge of the Truth and use His weapons. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Only Jesus offers life that is truly abundant and free. Christianity and Marxism are not compatible, ultimately they are antithetical and only one will dominate. We must choose to fight or to look the other way as our freedoms including our right to assemble and express our faith are eroded and destroyed. We need only look at Russia, China, N. Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba to see the resultant tyranny and carnage of Marxism and what real oppression looks like. Don’t be deceived! The saying “It can’t happen here! This America!” is a lie. It is happening here.

There is no middle ground in this battle. There is no fellowship between light and darkness. This war is not about economics or politics or parties or philosophy or left of right extremes. Those are only strategies or tactics the enemy uses. The real war is for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Lordship versus the Lordship of an anti-Christian ideology. We are Christ’s warriors, Ambassadors, and gospel defenders. I know that many will be repulsed by this stark language but it is what it is. Our enemy will never quit. He may be pushed back for a time here and there but will only regroup to open another front in the rebellion against our Father.

The gospel of Jesus Christ lived out in the lives of His people all over the world is the only real hope we have. Take the time to read the following scriptures and ponder how you can apply them.

Day 2Day 4