Celebrate the Life & Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.నమూనా

Celebrate the Life & Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

DAY 3 OF 3

Beyond Jerusalem

You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. -Acts 1:8

In the final years of his life, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s concerns moved beyond the Jerusalem of the civil rights movement to the Judea of the economic challenges of all Americans and the Samaria of the Vietnam War. In the months leading up to his assassination, King planned another march on Washington, the Poor People’s March, to address the scarcity of jobs and housing for Blacks, Indigenous People, Hispanics, and Whites. Many believed the march was a distraction from issues plaguing the Black community. However, King’s belief that “no one is free until we are all free” led him to care for the concerns of the uttermost part of the world.

King’s capacity to care and advocate not only for the issues affecting Black Americans but all Americans serves as a witness to Jesus Christ, who died not only for the salvation of the Jews but for all people (Romans 1:16). When our care and advocacy move beyond our Jerusalems, we, too, uphold the gospel. Like Dr. King, we give witness to the God who desires for every person created in His image to experience His love.

When asked what kept him going, King responded, “I’m frankly tired of marching. I’m tired of going to jail. Living every day under the threat of death, I feel discouraged every now and then and feel my work’s in vain, but then the Holy Spirit revives my soul again.” -Yana Jenay Conner

What suffering is happening outside of your ethnic group or country that you can pray about? What practical way can you aid those who are suffering?

Holy Spirit, revive our souls again. Increase our capacity to care and advocate for those suffering in our Jerusalem and our Judea and our Samaria—for those who look like us and for those who don’t, for those who live in our country and for those in the uttermost parts of the world. Empower us to bear witness of the love of Jesus to all of humanity.


Day 2