Celebrate the Life & Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.నమూనా

Celebrate the Life & Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

DAY 2 OF 3

Faith in the Struggle

The Lord . . . will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine. -1 Samuel 17:37

David’s encounter with Goliath is an important reference for the life of Martin Luther King Jr. The measure of David’s and King’s life isn’t that they prevailed in the great struggles they confronted. Of greater importance is that each had the courage to enter into struggles no one else thought they could possibly win.

David defeated the giant Philistine warrior, but the fact that David had the faith to face Goliath in the first place is most striking. King Saul wouldn’t fight that battle. Nor would any of his soldiers. Even David’s brothers trembled at the thunder of Goliath’s voice. Armed only with rocks and a slingshot, David went out to face grave danger. The fact he won against Goliath is secondary to the fact that he went with the faith that he could possibly win.

This is the way to think about Martin Luther King Jr. The issue is not that his efforts helped change the social and political landscape of the United States and many other nations around the world. In the face of laws that supported racial segregation and in the face of stiff resistance from those determined to maintain that status quo, Dr. King had the courage to take on those gigantic forms of injustice. Like David, we should honor Dr. King not because he won but because he went out to face a giant foe with no guarantee of winning. -Marvin McMickle

Do we have the faith of David and Dr. King that God will sustain us even against our giant foes?

God, the obstacles we face may seem to be too large for us to overcome. Give us faith and courage to face whatever problems and perils may come our way, knowing You will always be with us. Amen.


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