Now With Natalie: Unashamedనమూనా

Now With Natalie: Unashamed

DAY 3 OF 30

How to Grow

Internal battles can often be the hardest, most consistent ones we face in life. This is why, when we seek to remove the hostility within, we often project it onto others. 

We see this depicted in the Garden after Adam and Eve ate the fruit God told them not to. When God asked Adam about it, he blamed Eve. Then Eve blamed the serpent. 

No doubt, they both knew what they had done was wrong. But the shame of their sin was so great, they thought hiding it was better than exposing it.

Friend, don’t let that lie keep you from God today. Perhaps some things are better left protected within the relationships where we’re known and loved. But when possible, sharing our darkest places with others, most importantly with God, can create opportunities for growth that extend beyond a journey on your own. 

Your story could be exactly what someone else needs to believe and hope again. So trust God with it. Don’t hide from Him in shame. He loves you unconditionally. And when He leads you to speak, do so unashamedly. When He leads you to be silent, listen attentively. Let Him lead you down the path of growth.

Personal Reflection

Has there ever been a moment in your life when you chose to hide your faults instead of confessing them? Has shame kept you from growing in relationship with others? 

Day 2Day 4