Now With Natalie: Unashamedనమూనా

Now With Natalie: Unashamed

DAY 30 OF 30

A Call to Connection

Before we end our journey together of growth and healing from shame, it’s important to recognize that you and I were not created to do this life alone.

I’ve touched on this thought throughout the last thirty days, but, because of its significance to our purpose, it’s a worthy topic to end with.

You and I were never meant to be alone.

God said of Adam in the Garden of Eden, “It is not good for man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18, NLV). That observation holds true today. 

It is not good for you or me to be alone. Yes, there are moments when we might feel alone. But the call is upon us to surround ourselves and surround others with encouragement, hope and love to propel each other toward resilience, healing and purpose.

Personal Reflection

Has God strategically placed certain people in your life to help you fulfill your purpose? Who are they? Is there someone you can come alongside to encourage? How can you sustain deeper connection with those around you and closest to you?

To learn more, you can watch the brand-new season of “Now With Natalie” free at

Day 29