Live Free: A Study of Galatians నమూనా

Live Free: A Study of Galatians

DAY 9 OF 18

 Our daughters love to climb. Wherever we go, they find things to climb and then want to jump into our arms. Although they are only five and three years old respectively, they are relentless in their pursuit of climbing and jumping. Once in a while, they realize the spot from which they are about to jump is higher than they feel comfortable with. Often, right before taking flight, they will ask with nervous energy, “Will you catch me?” When we answer with “Yes,” they hesitate and say, “Do you promise?” Although we would never drop our kids, they find courage when they know mom and dad promise to catch them. 

God is often described as a Father in the Bible. And like a good Father, He makes promises to His children. His promises are inviolable. He always keeps them. In today’s passage, we learn about this aspect of God. In verse 16 we read that “...promises were made to Abraham and his offspring…” A little later in Galatians 3:29 we find that “If you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.” This means promises God made to Abraham apply to us! On the left are a few promises that God has declared over us as followers of Jesus and spiritual descendants of Abraham. 

These promises and many others in the Bible, are not merely words on the pages of an ancient book. They are a road map to the life God desires for each of us to engage. They are promises made by the holy and unchanging God. Promises He longs for us to receive and walk in by faith. Only when we do this will be able to truly live free. 


Have you accepted the promises of God over your life?


Take time today to thank God for the promises he has declared over your life.


Day 8Day 10