Live Free: A Study of Galatians నమూనా

Live Free: A Study of Galatians

DAY 18 OF 18

 Congratulations! You have made it to the last day of our journey through the book of Galatians. We hope the reflections and readings over the past several weeks have helped you walk in the freedom that comes from following Jesus. 

As you read the last words Paul wrote to the Galatians, notice his devotion to Jesus. He speaks of Jesus as the only one in whom he finds meaning when he writes, “far be it from me to boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Paul has lived a long and wild life. He was enslaved to the religious rituals of the Judaic law as a young man. He was then radically transformed by an encounter with Jesus. Through the years, Paul faced vociferous opposition, numerous attempts on his life and intense persecution beyond anything we can imagine. In his closing words, we see a glimpse of the impact of following Jesus as he closes with the statement, “I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.” Paul had been through the highs and lows of following our Lord and yet he never let his devotion drift from his Savior or from the power of the cross. 


What would it mean in your life to "bear... the marks of Jesus?"


As our journey through Galatians draws to a close, ask God to seal in your heart the truths we have learned. Ask Him to allow you to continue to LIVE FREE and not let these truths fade.


Day 17