The New Testament in 90 Daysనమూనా

Introduction to Luke
Luke was the only gospel writer who wasn’t Jewish. He was a Greek and Gentile believer, as well as a doctor. He wasn’t one of the 12 disciples of Jesus but was a friend of the Apostle Paul’s. He wrote this book from Rome, probably around A.D. 60 and specifically to Theophilus, a Roman dignitary.
Luke emphasizes the valuable role women played in the faith. Luke’s gospel is not only the longest of all four gospels, but also the longest in the entire New Testament. He wrote with incredible detail. Luke spent a lot of time with Paul, who shared with both Jewish and non-Jewish people. The book of Luke has a sequel, which is Acts.
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Journey through the 260 chapters of the New Testament over the next 90 days. From the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, all the way to the final book of Revelation, God will speak to you throughout the teachings of those who were transformed by our Savior.