The New Testament in 90 Daysనమూనా

The New Testament in 90 Days

90 యొక్క 1

Introduction to Matthew

Matthew, also known as Levi, was a tax collector by trade and one of the 12 disciples who left everything to follow Jesus. It is believed that he wrote this book between A.D. 60-65. Matthew witnessed many of Jesus’s miracles, the resurrection, and the ascension. 

It’s widely accepted among theologians that Matthew wrote to a mostly Jewish audience. Three reasons we can assume this is that Matthew referenced over 60 Old Testament prophecies, he refers to Jesus as the “Son of David,” and he didn’t explain the Jewish culture as he wrote about it. While the book of Matthew is the first gospel in the New Testament, it was written after the book of Mark. In fact, 97% of the book of Mark is included in Matthew.

Day 2