Illuminate Advent నమూనా

Illuminate Advent

10 యొక్క 5

Illuminate Peace Day 1  

More than 680 years before Jesus’ birth, a prophecy foretold of the peace He would bring. This prophecy is recorded in Isaiah 9:6:

“For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Out of all the notable things about Jesus, just a handful are mentioned here. One commentary calls these His “essential characteristics” – Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.

In Hebrew, the word for “Prince” (sar) indicates a leader or a captain. The world for “peace” (shalom) means “completeness.” Jesus came to earth to lead a broken world to a place of peace where it could be made whole again. That’s a big job that only the Son of the Living God could perform. When you think of our world, can you even imagine peace? Me neither. Before you start mentally cataloging the multitude of steps and hurdles that stand in the way of world peace, let me stop you and offer some advice: start small – start with you.

Peace in the world starts with peace in our own hearts.

Rick Warren said: “There’s never going to be peace in the world until there’s peace in nations. There’s never going to be peace in nations ‘til there’s peace in communities and families and in individual lives.”

The kind of peace that the “Prince of Peace” offers is like nothing we experience from the world. His peace is both personal and permanent. His peace forgives us for our past, calms and stabilizes our present, and makes a way for our future.

No matter where you are today, no matter what you’ve done, the Savior of the world has come for you. YOU! Let His light shine in all the dark corners of your life and restore what has been lost. In John 8:12 Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” The Light of Christ is here and He has declared that you NEVER have to walk in darkness again. 

Take Away:

Today, right now, stop whatever you’re doing and pray. Thank God for His Son and the peace and forgiveness He offers. Then talk to your Father God about the stressors you’re experiencing this holiday season. Ask Jesus to pour His peace out and to align your focus with this holiday season so you won’t be distracted or dismayed by all the hustle and bustle.


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