Illuminate Advent నమూనా

Illuminate Advent

10 యొక్క 10

Illuminate Christ Day 2   

Jesus has come… now what? Do you ever feel like the buildup to an event is greater than the actual event? The anticipation for a gift can be more exciting than the gift itself. At Christmas time we see this in kids’ faces as the gifts are wrapped and placed under the tree with bows on top. The sense of wonder and excitement makes waiting for the festivities of Christmas morning almost unbearable. If they are honest, most have a good idea of what might be in the box, but that doesn’t deter from looking, touching, and shaking it. All the while hoping that it is that one special thing and not socks or underwear from Great-Aunt Gertrude. Finally, Christmas is here and it is utter carnage of wrapping paper and bows flying through the air. And at the end of it all, the gift is played with for a moment; then set aside as they are move on to the next thing. At times the kid will play with the box more than the gift that it held. All that effort for an empty box.

Here is a thought...many times, during Christmas and the Advent season we put so much effort into focusing on the festive trimmings , events, and cheer — the hope, joy, peace, and love— that when it is time to focus on Christ; we engage with Him for a moment and then go back to the box. We forget that the whole point is CHRIST! Christmas is about Christ, not Christ being about Christmas. Sometimes we get things out of order. And when we do, we are left playing with an empty box instead of spending time with Jesus.

When they saw the star, the wise men didn’t stop and worship the star, but they understood that it was pointing towards something. The star was illuminating the way for them to find Christ. In the same way, hope, joy, peace, and love should point toward finding Christ, not just an end to themselves. 

It’s all about Jesus, it always has been and always will be. He is coming again for those that follow Him. Just as those in the Old Testament longed for the coming King, do we long for His second coming, the second advent? Advent is a time to illuminate His first coming, but also to remind us of His second coming.

If we get too caught up in the traditions, expectations, gifts, and good cheer of Christmas, we could well be missing the reason for the season and begin to worship the very things that point towards Christ, instead of Christ Himself. These things are not bad, but they need to be in the right order, directed by the Holy Spirit to fully experience Christ to the fullest during this season.

There are those in our world who are fine with people talking of the hope, joy, peace, and love of Christmas, but once you speak of the Christ of Christmas, things can get a bit more tense. The reason for this is because many people like what Christ brings, but they don’t want to truly know Him. They love the gifts of hope, joy, peace, and love, but never truly experience them because they don’t want to know the Giver - Jesus. He is the greatest gift of Christmas, and within Him are all these attributes and more if you will seek who He is and not just what He can do for you. 

Take Away: 

1. How have you focused more on the traditions and experiences of Christmas than on Christ?

2. How is Christ asking you to illuminate Him to the world around you?


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