Jesus Revealed Pt. 10 - I AM!నమూనా

Jesus Revealed Pt. 10 - I AM!

DAY 2 OF 5

I AM the Good Shepherd  

Thoughts on the Passage

Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He takes care of those entrusted to Him by the Father.

Jesus declared this at the beginning of this chapter – again in response to the way the religious leaders abused the man who was healed. They did not care about the man, but Jesus did. Jesus not only cares for the sheep, He lays His life down for the sheep. He died for us.

Several other key points that Jesus gives. 

First, He dies for His sheep – that is a level of commitment that is unheard of. People do not die to protect sheep. Jesus dies for His sheep. 

Second, He declares that He can lay His life down and pick it up. Jesus has authority over death. This again is only what God can do. 

Third, His sheep are much more than the Jewish people – they are from all nations. He is the Saviour of the nations. 

Fourth, the Father gave this calling and this responsibility to Jesus. It was not for Jesus to claim, the Father released it.

How would you respond if you heard Jesus say this? They thought Jesus was crazy. Who lays His life down for sheep – for stupid animals (believe me they are stupid at times – I grew up with sheep)? What would cause anyone to seek people from the nations? It just made no sense to the Jewish leaders… until they looked at the man born blind. He had authority to do things that only the Father could release. Maybe, just maybe we should listen.

Finally, read Psalm 23, it is called the Shepherd Psalm. Look how the Father cares for us. Look where He leads us. Look where He walks with us (through the dark valley). Look how He prepares eternity for us. That is what a Shepherd after the Father’s heart looks like.


Take time today to let the Father lead you. Seek to know His presence so we can follow Him. When we go through tough times, look for His right Hand beside us. When we had danger surrounding us, look for His provision.

Time to Pray

Father, I look at Jesus and I cannot imagine wanting anyone else to lead me. Jesus loves us with a sacrificial and awesome love. Leading me, protecting me, surrounding me in difficult times, feeding me, and releasing a heritage for eternity – our Shepherd does all of these things for us. What more could I want from a leader? Father, help me to be a good sheep, one who follows carefully and fully. It is something that is worth doing. I pray the same for everyone else. Help all of us to recognize Jesus as our “One Shepherd” and all Your children as “one flock”. Help us not to divide and separate. Help us not to ignore Jesus and His word. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


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About this Plan

Jesus Revealed Pt. 10 - I AM!

A person’s name is his or her first identifier. Have you noticed that a person, more often than not, takes on the characteristics of their name? We see this a lot in the Bible – but have you looked at your own name and its meaning? Plan 10 is the significance of Jesus calling Himself “I AM”. Do we take comfort in knowing Jesus is WHO He says He is?
