Jesus Revealed Pt. 10 - I AM!నమూనా

Jesus Revealed Pt. 10 - I AM!

DAY 1 OF 5

I AM the Door  

Thoughts on the Passage

The story of the healing of the blind man opens up two new revelations of Jesus. Today, we see Jesus saying “I AM the door.”

When we look at the story we see two people trying to get into heaven – the religious leaders and the blind man looking for Jesus. Jesus lets everyone know that there is only one door. It is not Moses and the law, it does not require a good start in life, and it does not happen for people who try any other way. 

Jesus is the door. When we try to get in any other way, it cannot work. Jesus says thieves and robbers try and get in other ways. That is a tough thing to say about any other way. However, see it this way. When God opens a door and asks us to enter into His presence this way – and we go another way, then we have another motive for coming to see Him. It may be pride – I can do it another way. It may be to expose what we see as a weakness in the King’s security. It may be that we want to look around at what is inside. Regardless, Jesus says this is what a thief and a robber does – they go around the gate.

Jesus now contrasts His purpose for the sheep with the religious leaders (and really satan). Jesus wants to release life – abundant life. Some people see Jesus as restricting abundant living – Jesus puts restrictions on what we can do. He wants us to live holy lives – some people see freedom as living life as they want. He wants us to have a life filled with God’s peace and joy. He wants us to be prepared for eternity while many focus on living life here on this earth only.

The religious leaders bypass Jesus and tried to follow God through their own ideas. It condemned this innocent man – calling him cursed by God. They tried to take him away from Jesus – the One who released life. They threatened, they humiliated, they tried to get the man to lie and change his story…. They tried to steal his trust in Jesus, destroy the freedom that Jesus released to him, and bind him up in spiritual bondage. This is why Jesus said they are the ones who kill, steal and destroy.

Do not be that kind of person.


Jesus promises abundant life for anyone coming through Him. He promises to take us to where we will find the things we need. Take time today to go through Jesus to find the blessings that God has for us. Start with a look at the heart of Jesus for every situation we face today. Find His door in this situation.

Second, be careful. Do not steal, kill or destroy. Do not steal other peoples’ hope, do not destroy their faith, do not draw their attention away from Jesus. Point them to Jesus.  

Time to Pray

Father, as I look at my day, my prayer is that I find You – the door – in every situation I face. Sometimes, it will be clear, and I can find it easily. Other times, it takes more work. I do not know how to respond with grace and encouragement. I do not know how You would react, and I need Your Spirit to show me Your heart. So I ask that every situation I face, I will hear You, see Your path, and walk with You through it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Day 2

About this Plan

Jesus Revealed Pt. 10 - I AM!

A person’s name is his or her first identifier. Have you noticed that a person, more often than not, takes on the characteristics of their name? We see this a lot in the Bible – but have you looked at your own name and its meaning? Plan 10 is the significance of Jesus calling Himself “I AM”. Do we take comfort in knowing Jesus is WHO He says He is?
