The Armorనమూనా

The Armor

DAY 2 OF 5

The Armor


Bryan Craig

Day Two- The Belt of Truth and Breastplate of Righteousness

God’s armor begins with the Belt of Truth. This is the piece of armor which is the centerpiece, that which holds the rest of the armor together. The Belt of Truth is Jesus. Our Lord proclaimed this about Himself, “I am the way, the TRUTH and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6

In this day of moral relativism and no absolutes, the Truth is being challenged. Now, more than ever, Jesus’ existence, His sovereignty, His sacrifice, His salvation- all are being called into question. Even those who call themselves Christians and are involved in a local church find themselves questioning Jesus Christ as the “only” way to Heaven. Jesus called the devil “a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44 It is clear that our enemy is out to confuse believers and lie to them.

As Influencers and warriors, we must make Jesus Christ the unequivocal Lord of our life. Putting on God’s armor starts by giving our lives to Jesus every day, worshiping Him, dying to our own agendas and preconceived ideas and plans, calling Him Master, calling Him Father and Spirit, knowing that He is the One Who fits us for the battle.

The second piece of armor is the Breastplate of Righteousness. The Lord would have us guard our hearts. Our hearts are the wellsprings of life and out of the overflow of our hearts, we speak and act. You’ve heard pastors speak of “asking Christ into your heart.” Well, as believers, we are to daily pour God’s Word (which is Jesus- see John 1:1) into our hearts, so that we might not sin against God.

I also believe our hearts are a repository for God’s love, and the enemy would love to steal this precious commodity. As we open our hearts to Him and let His love flow in and out from us, our hearts are simultaneously fortified and encouraged.

“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17

Day 1Day 3