Facing Opposition At Workనమూనా

Facing Opposition At Work

DAY 5 OF 5

The Power of Risking to Do What’s Right

There are moments in your work when you know that doing what is right will cost you. Sometimes the cost is light, like losing face with a client. Sometimes the cost is big, like having to quit your job because your company wants you to compromise your ethics. Where is the power of God when you are called to take huge risks to do the right thing?

Daniel chose to take the risk of doing the right thing even though he knew it could cost him his life. Some leaders were jealous of Daniel’s relationship to the king and wanted him out of the way. So they tricked the king into signing a binding agreement restricting all people from praying to anyone but the king. They did this because they knew that Daniel went to his room to pray to his God three times a day.

In the face of the new decree, Daniel did what he always did. He prayed to God. The leaders, anxious to see Daniel eliminated, reported this to the king. The king, with a heavy heart, threw Daniel into the lion’s den. But then something miraculous happened. God eliminated the risk for Daniel by closing the mouths of the lions. When the king got up to check on Daniel the next morning, he was overjoyed to find that he had not been harmed at all. The king pulled Daniel out of the den and threw the evil leaders in there to be eaten by the lions. King Darius then issued a decree that all people must fear and reverence God.

God is faithful to turn risks into victories for His children when we do what is right. He did it for Daniel, and as a result whole nations turned to God. He did it for Jesus, and brought salvation to all who believe. When we take risks for God, He turns it into power. 


Father, thank You for using our pain to make us look more like You. You use it to free us from control and fear. Help me feel You holding my pain with me. Show me how You are using it to transform me for my good. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Exploration

Learn more from Daniel  about how to stay true to your Christian values at work.


Day 4

About this Plan

Facing Opposition At Work

Christians in the workplace face many trials that threaten to destroy careers and test faith. The book of Daniel teaches us how to face trials with the power of God and maintain strong Christian ethics. This plan contains spiritual insights that will help you succeed, even in a hostile work environment.
