Facing Opposition At Workనమూనా

Facing Opposition At Work

DAY 4 OF 5

The Power of Releasing the Outcome 

Control is one of the biggest temptations we face. We want control over our work, our home life, our nation, and our world. We want to make sure the situations that affect us produce the most beneficial outcomes for us. But when it comes to work, we can feel helpless. The rate of change in the marketplace can leave us feeling like we are frequently on the edge of chaos.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego show us the power of releasing control to God. The king had made an image of himself that he wanted people to worship. It was a common Ancient Eastern practice for a king, who recently conquered a new area, to place an image of himself there for people to worship in his absence. Not worshiping the image was a sign of rebellion. This is why the king was so upset when these three Jewish men refused to worship the statue.

For the three men, it wasn’t about rebellion. They were happy to serve the king, as they had been doing, but they reserved their worship for God alone. God gave them security, satisfaction, and significance. It was this conviction that gave them profound freedom from the circumstances surrounding them. They didn’t need control or inferior substitutes for God. They had God Himself.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s response to the king who was trying to control them was to release the outcome to God. They already had all they needed in their relationship with Him. There was nothing to lose, and nothing to gain, so no need for control.

Next time you are faced with the fear and anxiety that comes from needing control, redirect your heart to Jesus. God works all things together for our good, even when the things we are facing aren’t good (Romans 8:28-30). Rest in that and release the outcome to God.


Father, I surrender my day to You. You give beauty for ashes, a garment of praise for my heaviness. So I give you my stress, my fear, and my anxiety. I take up Your burden because it is light and easy, designed for weary people like me. Thank You, Father. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Further Exploration

Read further about Sufferings, Yet Rewards for Being Faithful Witnesses to God.


Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

Facing Opposition At Work

Christians in the workplace face many trials that threaten to destroy careers and test faith. The book of Daniel teaches us how to face trials with the power of God and maintain strong Christian ethics. This plan contains spiritual insights that will help you succeed, even in a hostile work environment.
