Lord, Teach Me My Assignmentமாதிரி

Lord, Teach Me My Assignment

6 ல் 5 நாள்

Lord, How Did I End Up Here? | Knowing My STORY

Have you ever seen a story of a shooting on television? The suspect might be a teenager; nevertheless, because of his crime, he is taken to jail. Later, you find out further details on this “suspect.” You find out he was reared without parents, was pushed from foster home to foster home, and grew up surrounded by intense violence. Then you go further and find out that he is a part of a demographic that for the last twenty years has been the most deviant and delinquent populace that his region of the country has ever witnessed due to economic downturn. That, my friends, is an example of “the story behind the story” also called the “meta-narrative.” For every human being, the story of God’s Creation and Redemption is The Great Meta-Narrative — it is the Story behind our story. The individual challenges in our world actually point to that awful element of the “Meta-Narrative,” humanity’s forsaking of the knowledge of the true and living God. Likewise, the best things about our world are derived from the Redemption story.

Looking at your own life, you will discover that it is a part of a beautiful narrative tapestry that God has woven; however, if you do not understand the ways, the plan, and the Person of God, you may view your life journey as merely a byproduct of reckless randomness. The Bible character Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob, is a helpful illustration here. His is a vivid picture of a man who learned The Story behind the story. Joseph was sold into Egypt as a slave by his brothers, but unbeknown to them, God used their treacherous actions to eventually position Joseph as prime minister of that very nation. The brothers were shocked beyond belief to discover Joseph as ruler of Egypt, and, of course, they harbored the fear that the Lord – and Joseph — would punish them. Joseph, however, surprised them. He said, “fear not…you thought evil against me, but God meant it unto good.” In other words, God was drafting a story behind the story. Even in those stories where God is not the Author, such as the evil ones designed by Satan, He is still the Master Editor. He can change the gory story into glory. Your story was written within the context of a Bigger Story: God’s Redemption of humanity through the God-Man, Jesus Christ. Therefore, even if your story includes divorce, abuse, disappointment, and failure, remember that God, the Great Author / Editor, is causing all things to work together for your good.

Let us pray…

LORD, You are my Creator,
my Redeemer, and You are the Author of my Story.
Thank you for thinking of me as You wrote it,
And having worked it out perfectly before it ever even began.
நாள் 4நாள் 6

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Lord, Teach Me My Assignment

Are you a believer but still lost concerning God’s will for your life? Then join our journey with Jesus Christ and allow the Lord to teach you your life’s assignment. This 6-day series by Bishop Michael Blue explores lessons from the life of John the Baptist, who discovered early in life what God called Him to do. At this series conclusion, we pray that you will discover the same.
