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Grief From Loss- A 7- Day DevotionalMfano

Grief From Loss- A 7- Day Devotional


Tears, tears, and more tears! Day 4 and you would think that you are all cried out. With every thought of what could have and should have been, it hurts. The sting of grief continues to shift your thinking and your very outlook on life. You readjusted slightly but the pain of it all remains. Why does life have to be so hard? You reflect; grief has a way of bringing up memories that you thought you had buried and healed from long ago. 

When you are hurting, you think about all of the things you faced in your past. Your mind grabs a shovel and begins to dig in, pulling up and reminding you of things that happened as early as your childhood. You think about these things and the pain intensifies. Life seems so worthless. You love life, and you are grateful for it but the heartbreak of it all consumes you. Life would be much easier if you were in heaven with your baby. 

Pause. Stop. 

*The scripture for today may describe how low you feel and how weary you are during this season of loss, but you are never to feel so low that you consider death. That is never a healthy option. You may feel as though your days are wasting away, but there is hope. Jesus Christ has promised to work all things together for the good of those who love Him, “To those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) This pain won’t always be as unbearable as it is now. You must trust God like never before as He works behind the scenes in healing your heart. 

Life is always better lived. You must remember that though you are hurting, your baby is not. Your baby is with Jesus; there is no pain, no sorrow, no sadness, just pure joy in heaven where he/she resides now. Allow that to comfort you. These days may get harder before they get easier, but you must trust that God is still in control. You may feel as though your life is out of control, but the truth is, it isn’t. Jesus is orchestrating everything at all times. Hang on to hope today and trust that better days are ahead. Be comforted in knowing that your baby is okay. God has your baby, and He has you as well. 

Practical Tip: Be watchful of your thoughts. Don’t allow Satan to dig up old hurts from your past. Before you know it, he will form a timeline to isolate you and make you feel as though you never really had any good in your life. This is a dangerous path because if he can get your focus on all the pain you experienced, it will be hard for you to see God and the good He has allowed in your life. God never promised us a life of ease, comfort, and pleasure, but He did promise that He will be with us every step of the way.

When tears begin to flood your pillow and you ask the sobering question "why," remember that Jesus Christ sees and He knows. 

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Kuhusu Mpango huu

Grief From Loss- A 7- Day Devotional

Grief is something that we all have experienced at some point in our lives. It is described in the dictionary as “deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death.” But your heart tells a deeper story—a much deeper agonizing heart-ache that, in the beginning, feels like it will never go away. This devotional will offer practical biblical principles to help you get through what seemingly feels like the end.
