God and Dating: Thoughts on Relationships. Smakprov

God and Dating: Thoughts on Relationships.

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What God Thinks About Where You Date

Contrary to what your super conservative grandma might say, the Bible doesn’t ban finding love on a dating app. The verse doesn’t say, “He who finds a wife at church or a church-related function finds what is good…” In fact, Scripture is filled with positive things about finding someone to marry and spend your life with, and it doesn’t say where that must take place. However, while there's nothing wrong with using dating apps, it's important to be mindful of how you use them.

There is no doubt that dating apps have revolutionized the way Christians date. Dating apps are filled with potential partners you’d likely never have otherwise met. This makes it easier than ever to find someone who shares your values, interests, and beliefs. Apps also make it easier to start a conversation with someone and see if there’s a spark.

However, dating apps also have their downsides. For one thing, they can be addictive, leading to spending hours swiping through profiles instead of actually going out and meeting people. They can also be superficial, encouraging people to judge potential partners on their looks rather than their personality. And finally, they can be used in ways that don’t honor and glorify God, promoting casual relationships and hookups. Used wisely, dating apps can lead to lasting relationships; used excessively, they can be detrimental to your mental health and well-being.

When it comes to dating, God wants you to be wise. He doesn’t want you to put yourself in harmful or hurtful situations. But He also wants you to follow your heart and pursue relationships that will lead to lasting happiness. So if you're using dating apps, ask yourself these questions before you swipe right:

  • Are you looking for a “fling” or a God-honoring relationship?
  • Are you being honest about who you are and what you're looking for, or are you hiding your faith?
  • And perhaps, most importantly, are you putting your trust in the app or in God to bring the right person into your life?

Dating apps can help you connect with other Christian singles who might be a good match for you. However, it can be easy to become addicted to swiping, and it's sometimes hard to tell if people are being truthful about their faith. Ultimately, it's important to pray about whether or not online dating is right for you and use wisdom and discernment when interacting with people you meet online. God is okay with you using dating apps to meet new people. Just be sure to use them with wisdom and in a way that honors and glorifies Him.

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God and Dating: Thoughts on Relationships.

God doesn't hate dating, but He does have an opinion on relationships. He doesn’t hate dating apps, but He does want you to be wise in how you go about finding love. Explore what God thinks about where you date, who you date, how you date, and what you do on dates to ensure you’re ready to date for the right reasons in a way that honors and glorifies God.
