21 Days of Rightful Relationships Smakprov

21 Days of Rightful Relationships

DAG 17 AV 21

Day 17 – Getting over a bad relationship

If you are in a place where you have been hurt, it is time to give it to God. Pray this prayer.

Father God, help me to love You over anything or anyone else. I pray that You will align my life so that I can glorify You. If there are any relationships that You have not designed for my life, please help me to clearly see this so that I can understand the path You have designed for me. I forgive those who have hurt me and ask that You also forgive me for those who I have hurt as well.

Please give me the grace to remove wrongful desires or strongholds from my life. Continue to order my steps according to Your will and word for my life. Heal my past hurts and pains. Please repair my heart so that I can love freely again.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen!

Overcoming Rejection

The spirit of rejection can only be broken through the Word of God and prayer. The Bible tells us when our parents forsake us, God will take us up in Psalm 27:10. The Word also tells us that we are wonderfully and fearfully made in Psalm 139:14. And my favorite, the Bible tells us we have dominion over everything in our lives in Genesis 1:26. Therefore, we can take authority over sadness, depression and rejection and not only tell it but command it to leave our lives!

Next, you have to guard your heart! The Bible tells us to guard our hearts because out of it are the issues of life. This means you have to be careful whom you allow into your life. I think this thought sums it up best, “Everyone you meet does not deserve a front row seat to your heart!”

Mending a broken heart

If you have found yourself in a place where your heart is simply in pieces, give each piece to God. He can put your broken and bruised heart back together again. You have to remember, God only wants the best for you.


Dag 16Dag 18

Om den här läsplanen

21 Days of Rightful Relationships

If you find yourself feeling defeated, overwhelmed, or exhausted in the area of relationships, it is time to seek His face. 21 Days of Rightful Relationships is designed to provide daily devotionals and prayers to align your personal and business relationships with God. Through God's word, He provides instructions regarding relationships. When we are obedient and follow His will for our lives are we able to conquer and maintain healthy relationships that He has designed for us.
