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Journeying With Christ: The Coptic Month of Kiahk of the Nativity FastУзорак

Journeying With Christ: The Coptic Month of Kiahk of the Nativity Fast

DAY 3 OF 28

Week 1 Theme: Preparing for the Birth of St. John the Forerunner

Day 3: The Gift of Faith

In our journey of preparing for the birth of St. John the Forerunner, we come to a pivotal moment where we reflect on the gift of faith and its role in our relationship with Christ. Luke 1:5-17 tells the extraordinary story of the birth of St. John, a miraculous gift from God to Zacharias and Elizabeth, who were both righteous and faithful before God.

Faith is the foundation of our journey with Christ and it is by faith that we enter into a relationship with Him and become children of God and heirs of the Kingdom (James 2:5). The Early Church Father, St. Ignatius of Antioch says, "Faith cannot do the works of unbelief, nor unbelief the works of faith" and we come to understand this transformative power of faith by the simple truth: Jesus is the foundation of all things and it is faith in Him, that He is “the Christ, the Son of the living God” that is the foundation of the Church (Matthew 16:16).

Zacharias and Elizabeth, despite their old age and the barrenness of Elizabeth, held onto their faith in God's promises. They believed that nothing is impossible for God, and their unwavering faith opened the door for the miraculous birth of St. John the Forerunner, who would prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

Like Zacharias and Elizabeth, we too are called to nurture and strengthen our faith. Faith is not a mere intellectual belief; it is an active trust and reliance on God, “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). It is a deep conviction that God is faithful and will fulfill His promises.

In our journey of faith, we may encounter doubts and challenges, just as Zacharias did when he questioned the Archangel Gabriel’s message but God, in His mercy, patiently works in us, guiding us to a deeper understanding and trust in His plans.

Our faith is not a static state but a living and growing relationship with God; theosis, the process by which we are being made into the likeness of God or come into union with God, but are not made into God. Our faith is nurtured through prayer, study of His Word, participation in the Holy Sacraments, and fellowship with other faithful. As we embark on this season of preparation, let us make room for God to deepen our faith and transform us from within.

The gift of faith also empowers us to live out our calling with boldness and conviction. St. John the Forerunner was called to be a prophet, preparing the way for the Messiah, and his life and ministry were rooted in faith, and he fearlessly proclaimed the coming of Christ, oftentimes at his own safety.

Similarly, each one of us has a unique role and purpose in God's plan. God calls everyone to His vineyard, not only apostles, evangelists, and prophets, but also ordinary people like you and me. Our faith enables us to embrace our calling, to live holy and purposeful lives, and to be instruments of God's love and grace in the world, and by doing His works we show this broken world His restorative love.

As we reflect on the gift of faith, let us draw inspiration from the examples of Zacharias, Elizabeth, and St. John the Forerunner. Let their stories remind us of the transformative power of faith and the faithfulness of God.

In this season of preparation, may we deepen our faith through prayer and meditation on God's Word. May we trust in His promises and allow His Spirit to guide our steps and may our journey with Christ be marked by a growing and active faith, empowering us to fulfill the unique calling that God has placed upon each of our lives for His glory.

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Journeying With Christ: The Coptic Month of Kiahk of the Nativity Fast

Embark on a transformative 4-week journey with this Nativity Fast devotional. Delve into themes of anticipation, preparation, and joy as we approach Jesus' birth. Drawing from Scripture and the Early Church Fathers, this 4-week devotional following the liturgical readings of the Coptic month of Kiahk inspires spiritual growth, illuminates Nativity's significance, and guides us to encounter God Incarnate's profound love.
