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Journeying With Christ: The Coptic Month of Kiahk of the Nativity FastУзорак

Journeying With Christ: The Coptic Month of Kiahk of the Nativity Fast

DAY 8 OF 28

Week 2 Theme: The Annunciation to St. Mary (Luke 1:26-38)

Day 1: God's Message of Grace

In our journey with Christ, we encounter significant moments that shape our lives and draw us closer to God. One such pivotal moment was the Annunciation to St. Mary when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her, bringing a message of grace and favor from God. Today, as we delve into this sacred encounter, let us reflect on the significance of God's invitation and the role of St. Mary in our salvation.

Archangel Gabriel’s greeting to St. Mary was filled with awe-inspiring words: "Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!" Imagine the overwhelming emotions St. Mary must have felt as she encountered the heavenly messenger. The Early Church Father, St. Justin Martyr says: "But the Virgin Mary received faith and joy, when the angel Gabriel announced the good tidings to her that the Spirit of the Lord would come upon her, and the power of the Highest would overshadow her: wherefore also the Holy Thing begotten of her is the Son of God; and she replied, ‘Be it unto me according to your word.’" St. Mary did not refuse the message because of doubt, but inquired about the manner of the conception and her response demonstrates her humble disposition and willingness to engage with God's plan.

St. Mary's encounter with Archangel Gabriel was not an ordinary event; it was a divine invitation that would forever change her life and the course of human history. Archangel Gabriel revealed to St. Mary that she would conceive a child, the Son of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit. This news was astonishing, and St. Mary, being young and pure-hearted, naturally questioned the archangel: "How can this be, since I do not know a man?" St. Mary is inquiring into the manner by which something so incredible and extraordinary would happen.

Archangel Gabriel reassured St. Mary, explaining the role of the Holy Spirit in this miraculous conception and emphasizing God's faithfulness. By the choosing of St. Mary by the Father, the power of the Holy Spirit overshadowing her and the condescending and taking flesh from St. Mary, St. Mary would conceive and bear a Child who would be called the Son of the Most High, the Son of David, the Messiah. St. Mary's obedience came like fresh water bringing satisfaction to the human race “As cold water to a weary soul, so is good news from a far country” (Proverbs 25:25). The outcome of obedience is always a hundredfold blessing and as we know, St. Mary is revered by all generations.

In St. Mary's response, we witness her surrender and trust in God's plan. With utmost humility, she replied, "Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word." This profound statement, known as Mary's fiat, encapsulates her willingness to align her life with God's will. St. Mary's fiat serves as a model for us, teaching us the power of surrendering to God's divine plan and entrusting ourselves to His guidance.

As we journey with Christ, we are invited to emulate St. Mary's example of surrender and trust. Just as St. Mary responded with faith, saying "yes" to God's plan, we too are called to embrace His will for our lives. Surrendering to God's plan does not imply passivity or resignation; rather, it is an act of faith that allows God's purposes to unfold in our lives. It involves acknowledging that God's ways are higher than ours and trusting that His plans for us are filled with grace and goodness.

The Annunciation reminds us of the profound truth that God desires to work in and through us. He invites us to participate in His redemptive plan, just as He invited St. Mary. We may have questions, doubts, and uncertainties, but God remains faithful. He equips us with His Spirit and empowers us to fulfill the unique purpose He has for each of us.

In our journey of faith, may we learn from the humility and obedience of St. Mary. Let us echo her fiat, surrendering our lives to God's will and trusting in His faithfulness. As we yield to Him, may we experience the transformative power of His grace and be vessels through which His love and salvation are revealed to the world.

Day 7Day 9

About this Plan

Journeying With Christ: The Coptic Month of Kiahk of the Nativity Fast

Embark on a transformative 4-week journey with this Nativity Fast devotional. Delve into themes of anticipation, preparation, and joy as we approach Jesus' birth. Drawing from Scripture and the Early Church Fathers, this 4-week devotional following the liturgical readings of the Coptic month of Kiahk inspires spiritual growth, illuminates Nativity's significance, and guides us to encounter God Incarnate's profound love.
