Explore The New TestamentUzorak

SAY WHAT? (What is the passage saying?)
- Often (including in this chapter) Jesus spoke in parables. A parable is a short story that illustrates a spiritual lesson.
- We also see Jesus use the term "Kingdom of God" often. What he is referring to is not a specific place or location, like a physical kingdom. It is wherever God reigns. People choose whether they will submit their lives to God in order to be a part of the Kingdom of God.
- Back in Bible times, there was no electricity. The only way to light your home was a lamp. Jesus says no one would put a lamp under a bed leaving everyone without light. You would use that light to reveal what's in darkness and to illuminate your path. In the same way, the light of Christ can reveal what's in our hearts and illuminate our path.
- A mustard seed is incredibly tiny and seemingly insignificant. However, it's actually a powerful seed. Farmers can tell you stories where one little mustard seed blew into their field and eventually took over their entire crop! This is why Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed: God's kingdom may look unassuming, but it is meant to grow swiftly, exponentially, and powerfully.
SO WHAT? (What are the underlying principles?)
- The parable of the sower is a direct reference to what we do with God's Word and his invitation for relationship. In the parable we see that people respond quite differently. Some hear about God but don't care. Others are initially excited about what God has done for them but drift away slowly. Some accept Christ but allow fear, worry, and the desires of this life to overshadow their love for God. And still others accept Christ, live in him, and continue to share him with others.
- The Kingdom of God is meant to grow. God wants to use YOU to grow his Kingdom as you share his love to others.
- At the end of the chapter we see Jesus calm a storm on the water that the disciples were very afraid of. Jesus calmed the storm in an instant, reminding the disciples that they should not fear, but have faith.
NOW WHAT? (How will you personally apply this passage?)
- How are you responding to God and his Word? Which person do you relate to in Jesus' parable of the sower? What is getting in the way of your relationship with him? What can you do this week to make yourself more receptive "soil" to God and his word?
- How can you be a part of growing God's Kingdom today? Who can you show God to today? How will you do it?
- What is a storm you've been facing and fearing? Take some time to pray about it, acknowledging Jesus' power over the storm.
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New to the Bible and not sure where to start? This plan takes you through every chapter of the New Testament with helpful explainers.