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Explore The New Testament

DAN 34 OD 258

SAY WHAT? (What is the passage saying?)

  • In Mark 6 we saw Jesus miraculously feed 5,000 people. Here he feeds 4,000, again miraculously. The disciples obviously still had not learned to have faith that Jesus would provide.
  • Jesus' uses yeast as a metaphor in verses 14 and 15. Yeast, needed to bake bread, is an agent of change. The bread can't transform without it. Jesus was warning his disciples that the Pharisees were trying to bring about transformation through the religious traditions of men. King Herod was attempting to bring change through political power. He was warning that both are wrong. 
  • Jesus confronts the disciples about who they thought he was. Was he a good guy? A prophet?  Peter recognized that he was much more, he was the Christ, the Savior. 
  • In verse 31, Jesus warns the disciples that he will be tortured and killed. Peter responds (verse 32) by arguing with him. Peter is upset because the Israelites believed the Messiah would be a political leader who would save them from Roman oppression and set up Israel's own nation. To them it didn't make sense for Jesus to be killed. But Jesus had just told them in verses 14-15 that salvation does not come through political power.

SO WHAT? (What are the underlying principles?)

  • The disciples apparently forgot Jesus prior miracle. Remembering what God has done can help us to not lack faith.
  • Salvation doesn't come through religious rules or political power. True transformation of the heart can only come through relationship with Jesus.
  • Jesus is not just another good guy or political leader that did good deeds. He is the Savior of the world. 
  • Jesus says that if anyone would follow him they must deny themselves and take up their cross. A  cross was something you carried to your own execution. To choose Jesus is to choose death -- death to our selfish desires and passions -- and to choose to love and live for God and other people.

NOW WHAT? (How will you personally apply this passage?)

  • The disciples were stubborn and lacked faith. Do you see any of the disciples attitude in you? If so, where? What could you do today to change that? Remember what God has done in the past and take time to give thanks in advance for what he'll do in the future.
  • Are you trying to "be a good person" and "do good things" in hopes that it gets you closer to God? It won't. Are you looking to political leaders or a political party because you think they will solve the problems you see in the world? They won't. Remember instead to keep your eyes focused on Jesus. 
  • Jesus says that in order to follow him we must carry a cross. What are some of the ways you're currently living for yourself rather than for God and others? What could you do this week to "lose your life" and live to serve God and others?

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Explore The New Testament

New to the Bible and not sure where to start? This plan takes you through every chapter of the New Testament with helpful explainers.
