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The Silent But Deadly TrioShembull

The Silent But Deadly Trio


Lust Of The Eyes

The lust of the eyes is described as, “the desire to have all that the world offers.” We live in a world constantly upgrading and evolving. Gadgets, houses, cars, music, movies, technology, fashion, cosmetic surgery, and the list go on and on. We cannot seem to enjoy what we just purchased because the newer model is always around the corner. Ever changing and time seems to speed along while we try to accumulate what catches our eyes. According to Ron Marshall’s article from 2015, it stated, “Digital Marketing Experts estimate that most Americans are exposed to around 4000 to 10,000 advertisements each day” this number is astounding and shows the exposure to the eyes of humans. We obviously don’t retain all these images, but this is the tool the enemy seeks to work through because if you have a weakness in a particular area, then the images that appeal to that desire could get locked into your mind and create a focus point. 

It makes me ponder, for the believer being exposed to this amount of images daily how much time is needed in getting the God-images into our system. Five minutes a day with the Lord can ever counteract the lust of the eyes. There is a war, and it is won or lost in the mind of man. Let us again look at the three scenarios and individuals from yesterday and see how the lust of the eyes functioned:

  1. The enemy appealed to Eve’s eyes by ensuring what she was looking at was desirable and delightful, “It was delightful to look at” – (Genesis 3:6b NIV)
  2. The enemy again appealed to Samson’s eyes by presenting the woman as desirable, and he delighted in what he saw. (Judges 14:1 NIV)
  3. The enemy allowed David to walk out on his roof top just at the moment Bathsheba was bathing. David saw her as beautiful and lovely to look at. (2 Samuel 11:2 NIV)

Unfortunately when we allow the images or thoughts not from God to enter through the eye gate and we don’t filter it with the lenses of God’s word it will get into our minds and eventually into our hearts as we see from the above individuals. It is imperative we filter the images we ponder on as it will determine the fruit we produce. 

Holy Spirit, today I desire to guard my eyes. There are so many images presented daily, keep my eyes from wanting everything I see, keep my eyes from pornography and lustful images. Fill my mind with the images for me.

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The Silent But Deadly Trio

Throughout the history of the Bible, the men and women were plagued by what I like to call the silent but deadly trio.  In today’s world, it is no different for us. Everywhere we turn, we are plagued by temptations that “nibble” at our fleshly desires, but the good news is we have been given the remedy to combat the enemy and his tactics.
