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Determined Women of the BibleShembull

Determined Women of the Bible


Determined to Lead

In the Book of Judges, it is stated that Deborah was a prophet and judge for 40 years of the people of ancient Israel and the wife of Lapidoth. She is the only woman mentioned in the Bible as a judge. From her humble judges’ seat in the shade of a palm tree, Deborah looked out over the highlands of Israel and its people. It is here that she observes that her country was in chaos, disobedience, and fear. 

Due to Israel’s disobedience, God allowed a King of Canaan to oppress and intimidate them. The Israelites had been browbeaten for twenty years by the Canaanite king Jabin, and by the captain of his army, Sisera, who commanded a force of nine hundred iron chariots. This was a time for a determined leader that trusted in God and His faithfulness.

Deborah, guided by God, sent for the warrior Barak, by telling him the Lord had commanded him to gather 10,000 men from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun. Deborah declares and promises that she will entice Sisera and his mighty chariots to the Kishon Valley and the Lord would deliver a decisive victory to Barak. 

Instead of trusting and obeying the command of the Lord, Barak refuses to go unless Deborah came with him to inspire and rally the troops. Deborah prophesied that because of his choice not to obey fully the credit for the victory would go to a woman.

The Bible records that the two armies collided at the foot of Mount Tabor. God sent a heavy rain that caused the Kishon River to sweep away many of General Sisera’s men. His trusted and mighty chariots were bogged down in the mud, rendering them useless against God’s people. Barak and the Jewish people pursued the retreating army and killed all of them.  Not a man was left from King Jabin’s mighty army. General Sisera deserted his army and fled for his life only to find a hiding place in a woman’s tent by the name of Jael.

Jael pretends to be concerned for him and actually gives him curdled milk; a drink known to cause drowsiness. Jael promises him that she will stand guard while he rests safely in her tent. Once asleep, she drives a tent peg into the general’s temple, killing him. In a short, while Barak arrives only to discover that Deborah’s prophecy was true. The credit of the victory went to a woman!

Thanks to Deborah's faith and determined leadership, the land enjoyed peace for 40 years. Her boldness came from trusting, not in herself, but in God. 

In what area has God called you to lead? In your home? In your community? In your circle of friends? 

We are all uniquely designed to carry a torch of leadership whether we lead an army into battle or we lead our home with joy and peace. Identify one area of your life where you are determined to lead and pray that God would give you the courage and strength to lead like Deborah.  

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Determined Women of the Bible

Every day we have a choice to chase God or choose to live with fear and regret. What does it mean to live determined? Explore 5 women of the BIble who lived determined as they encountered setbacks, defied obstacles, and walked by faith. Choose today to be determined, to stay when it's hard, to follow Jesus, and lead when you're called to lead, to give back, and to be courageous!
