
Gratitude & the Gospel
Whether we realize it or not, our default tendency is to believe that our circumstances need to be perfect for us to be thankful. One of the most difficult thoughts someone has ever challenged me with is if I could be thankful for the challenging situation I was walking through. I have never been more angry and convicted at the same time.
Here’s the thing: we live in a fallen world. Things happen to us that are a result of living in a fallen world. People hurt us; we experience spiritual warfare, the doctor’s report brings bad news, and the list could go on. There are many things that can happen in our lives that are outside of our control. Even with faith that God could turn evil for good, we can find ourselves waiting until we see the good to be grateful.
Here’s the best way to find gratitude: remember the cross. When circumstances feel hopeless, remember that Christ rose in victory, defeating death, hell, and the grave. When the future feels bleak, remember that you are promised eternal life in Christ, where there is no more mourning, and He will wipe away every tear. When you feel rejected or unworthy, remember that when you were still in your sin, Christ died for you. When you feel like there is no way forward, remember that God calls you His child, and He is a good Father with good plans.
When we remember the gospel that Christ died for our sins and rose on the third day, it shifts our focus off of our circumstances and onto the One who can change them. The cross highlights the depth of His love, sacrifice, and victory. If God did not spare His own Son, how will He not graciously give us all things?
Zvinechekuita neHurongwa uhu

Gratitude transforms our hearts, minds, and lives. In this 5-day Bible plan, you’ll explore how cultivating a spirit of thankfulness deepens your relationship with God, shifts your perspective, and brings joy to everyday life. Through scripture, reflection, and practical application, discover the power of gratitude to overcome challenges, refocus on God’s goodness, and live a life filled with praise. Let thankfulness become your daily rhythm and strengthen your faith.