Sharing His SeatChikamu

Sharing His Seat

DAY 5 OF 6

The Secret Place

Jesus said in Matthew 6:6 that when we pray, we should go into our secret place and pray to our Father who is in secret. Jesus spoke of a secret place. Where we lay down the things that trouble us, the things we struggle with, and the things that we inwardly desire in our hearts before the Lord. The secret place is a powerful place in the life of a follower of Jesus. The secret place is the place where you give God glory and where God reveals His glory to you. This is where you receive the strength, encouragement, wisdom, and guidance from God on how to live a successful life as a follower of Jesus.

The reason Jesus called it a secret place is because what happens there is between you and God. That is where those areas in our lives that we struggle with like offenses, anger, fleshly desires, and more are dealt with. The prophet Jeremiah paints a beautiful picture of what happens when we surrender everything to God. When we allow Him to work in our lives, our hearts, and our characters. In his eighteenth chapter, we see God being the potter and Israel being the clay. But in comparison to our life, we should be like that clay. We should allow God to work in us and through us. The potter can make the clay into anything he wants. Even when he is finished with the object, if he decides to make something different out of it, the potter has the full right to break it and start all over again. The only thing that he needs to do is to add more moisture to the clay so the potter can continue his work. It is in the secret place that the moisture is added so that the crushing, renewal, and transformation can happen.

The number one goal of any kingdom is to gain more territory and influence it with the King’s desires, will, and plan. The Kingdom is within us as stated in Luke 17:21; this means that the Kingdom should expand in our hearts and change us until we are renewed to reflect the desire, will, and plan of the King of kings. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to reveal to us those areas that are not yet surrendered to the King so that, with His help, we can lay this at His feet. It is in the secret place that this Kingdom advances, the convictions and change take place.

If we truly desire for Jesus, and only Jesus, to be seated on the thrones of our hearts, then we need to get into the secret place. We need to be like the clay, fully surrendered in the hands of the Potter. Fully trusting Him that He is working in us to accomplish His good will for us. We need to be like territory, willingly yielded to the King. So that He can conquer those areas in our lives that are not yet representing His character.

We need to let Jesus take His seat in our hearts.

Zuva 4Zuva 6

About this Plan

Sharing His Seat

All of us need to decide what and who is important to us. What takes the first rank in your life? Where does your time, energy, and effort go? Is Jesus at the center of your life, or is something or someone else sitting in His seat?
