Sharing His SeatChikamu

Sharing His Seat

DAY 1 OF 6

Is Jesus enough for you?

We live in a world that keeps us busy with many things. Some things are good. Some things are unnecessary. We all have to divide our time on a daily basis, between work, family, personal things, God, and the rest. We are sometimes consumed with things that keep us busy, but not productive. Some find their refuge in the things that keep them busy, others find their refuge in God.

But what if in the blink of an eye, we lose everything… what if we lose our job, our family emigrates, our children get married and move out of the house, what if we are faced with reality? The things we have centered our lives around are removed from us suddenly. Will your relationship with God be strong enough? Will God be enough reason for you to continue with your life or will your life fall apart because the thing that your life once revolved around is now gone? My point is this, do we allow things in our lives to take the throne that only God is supposed to sit on? Is God truly the only One, the Lord and King of our lives?

When Jesus walks past us and inspects our hearts like He did with the fig tree in Matthew 21, will He find our hearts on fire for Him or will He find that our source has become the world and therefore we bear no fruit worthy of His Name? Throughout the Gospels we see Jesus radically changing the lives of many people, for some He did miracles, to some He preached, and to others He asked questions that caused them to search their hearts and re-evaluate their lives.

In Matthew 19 we find a rich young ruler being challenged by Jesus to sell all his possessions and follow the Messiah. As we can see he went away grieving because he had many possessions. Unfortunately, Jesus had to share His seat with another god in that man’s life, the god of money. In Luke 17 we find ten lepers being cleansed by Jesus but only one returns to give thanks to the Lord. This is sadly true with many believers today. They only pursue God when things get tough, and they stop following God when their breakthrough comes. Similarly, Jesus has to share His seat with another god in their hearts. The God of self-satisfaction. These are just two examples in the Gospels where we can see that Jesus is not the only One seated in these people’s hearts.

The question is this ~ Is Jesus sharing His seat in your heart?

Zuva 2

About this Plan

Sharing His Seat

All of us need to decide what and who is important to us. What takes the first rank in your life? Where does your time, energy, and effort go? Is Jesus at the center of your life, or is something or someone else sitting in His seat?
