7 Prayers for Your MarriageChikamu

7 Prayers for Your Marriage

DAY 4 OF 7


Our marriages are under assault. We have an enemy, an adversary whose mission is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). His tactics are deceptive. He lies and is the father of lies. He stalks us like a lion pursues its prey. He slithers in silently and tempts us in subtle ways, whispering untruths and assumptions.

“She doesn’t believe in you.”

“He always takes his child’s side.”

“I am not pretty enough.”

“He only cares about his work.”

“I am a lousy husband.”

“She would rather be with her ex-spouse.”

“I can’t overcome my past mistakes.”

We allow those lies to fester in our minds, and before we know it, we have created a storyline in our heads that is worthy of a fiction novel.

The good news is that “ he who is in you [the Spirit of God] is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Yes, the enemy is powerful, and on our own, we cannot defeat him. Oh, but WITH Him, we can resist the enemy and he will flee (James 4:7). In the name of Jesus, we can drive out the enemy from our lives and marriages. We can declare that he has no hold over our marriage and plead the blood of Jesus over us.

Yes, we have an enemy. But thanks be to God, we have victory over that enemy through our Lord Jesus Christ!


Almighty God, You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are the Lord Most High. All dominion, authority, and power belong to You alone. You are our fortress and our strength. We claim Your promise that nothing formed against us will prosper. By Your authority, we break any agreements we have made consciously and unconsciously. We cast down any strongholds in our marriage, our blended family, and our personal lives. In Jesus’ name, we rebuke the enemy and any evil devised against us. We command the enemy and his forces to leave us alone and declare that he will not have any place in our lives. We surrender all things to You. Be glorified in all things. Amen.

Zuva 3Zuva 5

About this Plan

7 Prayers for Your Marriage

We all want to pray for our marriage, but sometimes we don’t quite know what to pray. Or we feel like our prayers aren’t “good enough.” This 7-day plan provides seven prayers for various needs you and your spouse might face in your marriage. You can use these to help you become more comfortable praying together, too.
