7 Prayers for Your MarriageChikamu

7 Prayers for Your Marriage

DAY 2 OF 7


Every marriage faces uncertain times. We cannot predict the future, so we watch God’s plan for us unfold in real time. What appears to be a setback this week may actually be a step forward the next. Doors we thought were opening may suddenly close, so we wait for God to show us the next step.

Times of uncertainty can pull couples apart or draw them together. Relying on dysfunctional coping mechanisms and unhealthy patterns of behavior can strain a marriage. However, when the foundation of our life and marriage is on Christ, the unknown can become the fertilizer that feeds our relationship with Him–and our spouse. We can grow deeper roots and stronger connections. Praying together and praying for each other unites us with Christ and with our spouses.

In those moments of uncertainty, we can still lean on the certainty of God’s faithfulness. He promises to be with us always (Matthew 28:20). He is good and what He does is good (Psalm 119:68). We can pour out our hearts to Him and find the peace our hearts long for. We can look at uncertainty with certainty–the confidence that God is good and He is working for our good and His glory.


Our Lord and God, thank You for being our faithful Provider. Thank You for being sovereign over our marriage and our family and for holding all things together by Your power and Your will. Nothing is a surprise to You because You know the beginning from the end. You are in control eternally. In seasons of uncertainty, we ask You to free us from fear and worry. Give us perfect peace that passes all understanding. Keep our hearts and minds focused on You and not on the circumstances around us. Guide us as we walk by faith and not by sight, relying on Your plans and timing. Make our paths straight. In everything we do, we seek to glorify You and love each other well. Amen.

Zuva 1Zuva 3

About this Plan

7 Prayers for Your Marriage

We all want to pray for our marriage, but sometimes we don’t quite know what to pray. Or we feel like our prayers aren’t “good enough.” This 7-day plan provides seven prayers for various needs you and your spouse might face in your marriage. You can use these to help you become more comfortable praying together, too.
