

DAY 7 OF 24

Have you ever attempted a recipe from a parent or grandparent that was full of precise measurements like, “a little bit of____”, “a few shakes of_____”, and “just about a scoop of_____”? If you were really lucky, your measurements also came with conditional directions like: “If potatoes seem dry, then add a little more milk”. “If-then” directions were always gold because they were designed to help you: (1.) Course correct and (2.) discover your next step. That’s exactly what Paul is doing in this passage.

He’s using this “If-then” to give the church at Philippi a “maturity check” by asking: How’s your relationship with God? Are you feeling pretty confident in his love for you and in your position as his child? Do you feel like you’re getting the hang of connecting with God’s Spirit? IF SO, THEN – here’s your next step. And one might think the next step would be a place of elevated rank or superiority, such as: “Now you get to point out where everyone else needs to grow so they can be mature like you!” But that’s not the case, he actually goes on to say that their next step, the way for them to continue to grow UP, is actually to GO DOWN. He challenges anyone who would answer yes to those questions to now focus on learning to love and get along with others better, to seek out ways to be selfless, to choose humility, and pursue unity. In the kingdom of God, the way up is always down.

Prayer points:

  • Pray that your relationship with God would continue to grow deeper.
  • Pray that God would help you discover your personal next step.
  • Pray that God would help you grow in humility, selflessness, and in loving others better.
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