Ignited: A Simple Guide for Bold PrayerChikamu

Ignited: A Simple Guide for Bold Prayer

DAY 6 OF 6

It Matters to God

We can pray for anything. As Christine Caine says, “If it matters to you, it matters to God.” If it’s something we care about or worry about, it’s something we can pray about.

Paul encourages us in Philippians 4:6–7,

"Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (CSB).

What can we pray about? Paul’s answer is clear: everything! Nothing is too small when it comes to God. And while those words “Don’t worry about anything,” might feel as if they’re unsympathetic to any difficulty we face, it’s important to note that Paul wrote these words while in prison.

He wasn’t telling us to make “Don’t worry, be happy” our mantra. To ignore or minimize the reality of our circumstances would be irresponsible. But there is a path for us to experience God’s peace and power in the midst of our worry and stress, and that’s why Paul encourages us to “present our requests to God.” Yes, God is actively involved in taking care of the entire universe and major issues of the world, but our Heavenly Father is just as involved and concerned with the details of his children’s lives: our work, relationships, feelings, fears, and everyday activities.

God sees you, God knows you, and God truly cares about you.

If something matters to you, it matters to God. So, pray about it!


Father, thank you that you care about feeding birds and dressing lilies, and that is just a fraction of how much you care about the details of my life and the things on my heart. Today, I name before you the things that have my attention: please show your wisdom, presence and power in these areas. And I ask that just as you care about the things that matter to me, you would shape my attention and affection towards things that matter to you. May your Kingdom come on earth, just as it is in Heaven. Amen.

This reading plan is copyright © 2023 by Propel Women, a part of Equip & Empower Ministries. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.

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About this Plan

Ignited: A Simple Guide for Bold Prayer

Prayer is a gift, an incredible opportunity to be in relationship with our Heavenly Father. In this 6-day plan, we will discover what Jesus taught us about prayer and be inspired to pray consistently and with great boldness.
