Ignited: A Simple Guide for Bold PrayerChikamu

Ignited: A Simple Guide for Bold Prayer

DAY 5 OF 6

Six Ways to Pray

If you were to do an internet search about “how to pray,” you would find hundreds, if not thousands, of opinions, practices, and principles about prayer. There is no one right way to pray, but here are some helpful guidelines:

Pray at Scheduled Times and Spontaneously

It’s important to have scheduled times with God as well as spontaneous moments. Scripture encourages us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Wherever you can, however you can, pray!

Pray Alone and With Others

When we are having a hard time hearing God’s voice, it’s helpful to have friends who can pray with us. In the Bible, we see God meeting people in prayer individually (Matthew 6:6), as they pray with one another (Matthew 18:20), and corporately as a church (Acts 2:42).

Pray Quietly and Out Loud

Speak your prayers out loud, even when praying alone. It can feel more like an actual conversation, and you have more connection points with your words as you think them, speak them, and hear them.

Pray With Your Mind and Body

In the Bible, we see examples of people praying lying face down on the ground, on their knees, sitting, standing, or with hands raised. Changing posture can help us stay present and connect with God in prayer.

Pray Your Own Words and Those of Others

Prayer is sometimes an overflow of our own thoughts and desires as we express them to the Father; but throughout the church’s history, believers have also prayed prayers written by others (sometimes called liturgy). Praying the Psalms or the Lord’s Prayer are examples of this in the Bible.

Pray as You Breathe

Called “breath prayers” by many, this is a practice designed to help focus on phrases of truth from Scripture: one on the inhale, then another on the exhale, leaving it to the Holy Spirit to fill in the blanks just as He has promised to do (Romans 8:26).


  • I believe (inhale). Help my unbelief (exhale).
  • You are with me right now (inhale). Thank you (exhale).
  • I feel invisible (inhale). Thank You that You see me (exhale).
  • You made my body (inhale). I will honor and care for it (exhale).
  • This is hard (inhale). I will wait to see Your hand in it, Lord (exhale).
Zuva 4Zuva 6

About this Plan

Ignited: A Simple Guide for Bold Prayer

Prayer is a gift, an incredible opportunity to be in relationship with our Heavenly Father. In this 6-day plan, we will discover what Jesus taught us about prayer and be inspired to pray consistently and with great boldness.
