Seeking God in a Stack of WorkChikamu

Seeking God in a Stack of Work

DAY 4 OF 7

Let Go, Let God

“Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (1 Pet 5:6-7)

As we embark upon the threshold of adulthood, a new companion awaits our arrival, my friend—a companion known as responsibility. Yes, responsibility, a concept that wields both the weight of burden and the privilege of purpose.

Within the realm of independence, a myriad of choices dance before us, evoking a sense of freedom and unbridled joy. Yet, let us not overlook the undeniable truth that accompanies such autonomy—the weighty mantle of responsibility draped upon our shoulders. For in the realm of independence, there lies a profound obligation, a calling to rise above self and attend to the needs of others.

Maybe you have the responsibility of providing for your family, or maybe you're just starting out at a new job, and you want to make sure you don't mess it up. Or perhaps you are just given a new promotion yet with heavier responsibility. So, you plan and prep like crazy, making backups upon backups. We bring these plans before God in prayer, but even then, worry has a way of creeping in.

It's like you're holding a razor blade so tight in your mind that it's bleeding you dry.

Yet, let us pause and consider that responsibility and anxiety are two distinct entities, my friend.

Listen, imagine you're leading a team in the workplace. Have you ever had subordinates who weren't entirely reliable? The moment you assign them a task, anxiety seeps in, compelling you to constantly check on their progress. Conversely, when you have a remarkable team member, once you delegate a task to them, you don't fret much because you know they will deliver excellent results.

Now, let's consider this: Can we truly trust that God is reliable? Or do we find ourselves worrying that He may not come through for us?

God's word implores us to humble ourselves beneath His mighty hand. You see, it is not our own feeble hands that possess strength, but rather, it is God's hands that are truly mighty. We must entrust our worries to Him, for He is in control. We must acknowledge that it is not we who govern the vastness of the universe. Truth be told, we cannot predict what tomorrow holds, but we know for sure God holds our tomorrow.

But here's the beauty of surrendering our concerns to God—does it imply that we are naïve or shirking our responsibilities? Absolutely not! Surrendering to God is, in fact, the most responsible decision we can make. When we surrender, we place our faith in the hands that holds the entire universe, including our lives. Regardless of what tomorrow may bring, even if it unfolds differently from what we desire, we trust that God has the ability to work everything together for our good. He meticulously weaves every single thread, even the seemingly insignificant moments, into the tapestry of our lives for our ultimate benefit.

Let go, and let God take care. His hand is stronger than you and He cares for you more than you care for yourself.

Zuva 3Zuva 5

About this Plan

Seeking God in a Stack of Work

Too often, we find ourselves trapped in a false dichotomy, dividing our work into categories of spiritual and unspiritual. We view ministry within the church as holy while anything outside of that realm is deemed worldly. As a result, we can't help but feel that our daily work is devoid of purpose. Let's pause and hear what is in the Bible about it.
