Seeking God in a Stack of WorkChikamu

Seeking God in a Stack of Work

DAY 3 OF 7

The Sparrow is Dancing in the Sky

“And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest?” (Luke 12:25-26)

We all strive to be grown-up and independent, right? It's awesome to be able to make our own choices, but let's be real - it's not always sunshine and rainbows. With independence comes responsibility, and that can bring a whole lot of stress and worry.

But hey, it's all part of the journey to adulthood. We start asking ourselves a million questions like, "What if I don't finish this task on time?" or "What if I lose my job tomorrow?” or “What if I can’t pay my rent next month?” or “What if something happens to my loved ones?” or many other things. The weight of responsibility can be overwhelming, but we can't just run away from it, even though sometimes we might want to.

Jesus knew all about this struggle. He understands that we need to eat and make money to survive in this world. So He reminds us to look at the lilies of the field and the birds in the sky. He cheerfully pointed us to the lilies of the valley and the sparrows dancing in the sky. Both are everyday things that everyday people underestimate. Like it's worthless. The lily that today blooms beautifully, tomorrow withers and burns. Those sparrows that sing cheerfully, are sold cheaply and are easy to catch. They are all, God preserves. What happens in their lives is within God’s care. They may seem insignificant, but God takes care of them.

Let this truth settle deep within your soul, particularly if your faith feels small and doubts encroach upon your heart. Hear His gentle voice whispering to you, "Fear not, for have you not received the Kingdom of Heaven as your inheritance?" Indeed, this sacred kingdom, bestowed upon us, was secured by Jesus Himself, who willingly laid down His life as the ultimate sacrifice.

Such a profound transaction, my friend, demonstrates the immeasurable extent of God's love for us. Can you fathom the price paid, the depths of grace extended, all to ensure our eternal well-being? It is a gift beyond comprehension, a divine exchange that encompasses not only our salvation but also the outpouring of divine care and providence.

Here's His advice. First, believe that God cares. Really caring, really caring. Like a father loves his children. If God can take care of flowers and birds that are not His children, can't He take care of us?

Second, put our priorities right. Our part is to trust God and seek first the Kingdom of God. We shouldn't let worries fill up our minds - instead, we should live above them. We should lift our heads up high and focus on the Kingdom of God, which is all about righteousness, joy, and peace. We should trust that God will provide for us and focus on what He's doing in our lives right now. Trusting in God's bountiful providence, we relinquish our worries concerning tomorrow, for it is already enfolded in His loving embrace.

So don't stress too much about the burden of responsibility that weighs you down. Believe in God's love for you and stay joyful and peaceful. Everything else will fall into the right place at the right time.

Zuva 2Zuva 4

About this Plan

Seeking God in a Stack of Work

Too often, we find ourselves trapped in a false dichotomy, dividing our work into categories of spiritual and unspiritual. We view ministry within the church as holy while anything outside of that realm is deemed worldly. As a result, we can't help but feel that our daily work is devoid of purpose. Let's pause and hear what is in the Bible about it.
