Walking in Grace & Mercy Out of Stuff, Struggles, & SinChikamu

Walking in Grace & Mercy Out of Stuff, Struggles, & Sin

DAY 6 OF 8

Positioned in Heavenly Places

But God, who is rich in mercy…(has) made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus... Ephesians 2:4-6

As children of the King, we are positioned with Lord Jesus in heavenly places and as co-heirs of His Kingdom (Rom. 8:17). His lavish grace and mercy qualify us to sit in these lofty places in Christ and reign in life with Him (Rom. 5:17).

Do we deserve this place in Christ? No. But is it the truth of God’s Word? Yes.

From this position in Jesus, He can speak freedom from His Word, direct our steps as needed to seek pastoral or professional care, deliver us from demonic influences, and give us the strength to walk out of the prisons of our stuff.

But many of us still try to work for and earn a position that Jesus has already given us.

Trying harder to attain something is what separates Christianity from religion. In religion, it is up to the person to get something done or reach the next level. In relationship with Lord Jesus, He has already completed the work, and we simply stand with Him, positioned by His side, looking down. Our own actions will never be enough. We must stand first upon grace – God’s free gift we could never deserve; then lean hard into His mercy – not receiving guilt and condemnation.

Has anybody attempted, like me, to get their act together or their life in order before we feel we can have an intimate walk with God? When in reality, we should come because we don’t have our lives together, and He is everything we need.

We may not have started in faith this way by thinking it is primarily up to us to get life right. Still, after a while, another set of twin sisters often raise their ugly heads and keep us on a hamster wheel of trying harder, failing, wallowing in guilt and condemnation, then trying harder all over again. Their names? Shame and Pride.

Let’s look at these twin sisters tomorrow and how they want to keep us on a downward spiral rather than standing positioned upon God’s grace and mercy, especially in our time of need.

What does it mean for you to be positioned in Jesus in heavenly places?

Zuva 5Zuva 7

About this Plan

Walking in Grace & Mercy Out of Stuff, Struggles, & Sin

When we find ourselves caught up in seemingly never-ending struggles with our stuff and sin, God’s grace and mercy provide the concrete stepping stone to His amazing freedom. Let’s open His Word and find out more about these beautiful and powerful twin sisters of the Scriptures that He lavishly provides, and begin living and looking a lot more like our Savior in the extraordinary life He promises.
