Vision Map: Charting a Course for Your Hopes and DreamsChikamu

Vision Map: Charting a Course for Your Hopes and Dreams

DAY 2 OF 5

Create a One-Liner

Every visionary needs a written, one-line explanation of what they’re trying to accomplish. They need a clear goal to pursue that will fix a problem they see in the world.

Often times we know what we don’t want, more than what we do want. But if we haven't defined what we do want we won't know when we've gotten it. That's why it's so important to develop a clearly stated goal that explains what we're trying to accomplish – what problem we are trying to solve.

When God gives you a dream or a problem to solve, it usually first appears in a general, overarching idea with very few specifics. But the more you get specific, the clearer it will become.

Don’t be afraid if your one-liner sounds too big or even impossible. William Wilberforce, the man who is considered to be largely responsible for ending the slave trade in most of the British Empire, had a huge vision. On October 28, 1787 he wrote out his one-liner:

“God Almighty has set before me two great objects, the suppression of the slave trade and the reformation of morals.”

That was a huge dream. Slavery was so prevalent in his time that I’m certain this goal seemed absolutely impossible, bordering on ridiculous.

Guess what? It took forty-six years, but it happened. Wilberforce saw slavery abolished in almost the entirety of the British Empire three days before he went to be with the Lord for eternity. He worked his entire life on that dream.

A single mother I shared this concept with developed this one-liner:

Raise kids who love Jesus and people.

Have you seen this world we live in? Talk about an impossible dream! But, God placed that vision in her heart, and she is pursuing it with all she’s got.

You may only have a vague idea of what you’re trying to accomplish right now. But the more you pray and focus, the clearer it will become. Never doubt that God has make you for a very specific purpose. You are his workmanship, created to do good works that he has prepared for you.

To the best of your ability, answer this question: What problem are you trying to fix by pursuing this vision God gave you?

It doesn’t have to be flowery or eloquent. It can be as straightforward as:

Restore my relationship with my daughter.
Start a business that allows me to serve others with my gifting and have more time with my family.
Heal from the hurt of the divorce so I can move forward.

Write your one-liner down on top of a blank sheet of paper.

Then post that paper somewhere that you can see it, because over the next few days we'll fill in the rest of that page with a step-by-step stewardship plan. That stewardship plan will be your Vision Map.

Zuva 1Zuva 3

About this Plan

Vision Map: Charting a Course for Your Hopes and Dreams

Do you have a dream so big that it feels overwhelming? Is there something in your heart you just know you have to do, but don't know where to start? In this reading plan, Joël Malm shares a simple Bible-based strategy to help you map out your vision by breaking down each step into small goals.
